Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A flat in the city

In my life I have lived in a lot places. Currently my home is in Providencia, which is a commune in eastern sector. My home is 15th flat in a tower of 27 flats from I can see a great panoramic view, I can see Balmaceda Park, the aviation source, Andes Mountains, San Cristobal Hill, Mapocho river and much of the city.
The apartment is wide, I live with 4 persons and we share the cost of light, water, telephone, gas and meal. Also we share the housework, each week a couples are responsible for cleaning: the bathrooms, kitchen and dining room. Other activity that we make in groups is cooking, once a week we met for dinner or depending on the time available to any cook.
The place where is the building has great access, we have near different services like banks, supermarkets, coffees shops, gyms, libraries, restaurants, publics services and public transport all day and all night.
There another reason for that I like my home. The park which is next is a great place for jogging, is safe, clean, despite the entire car passing through sector. But all is not wonderful idea and fact. Everything good it have the bad thing that in this case is pollution and stress.
The nature and people suffer the consequences of living in the city, and like the sector is a very busy place we can see the signs of fatigue and pollution. While I observed this I pedaling my bike, then I think the only possibility and chance we have is leaving out of town.
Such a change is not easy, but make up my mind is so radical. Preferably because is much more difficult to have all services near everywhere. This is important when you have a family, you need the Health, Education and jobs that allow you can live quiet.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Global Warming

How many times did we see an ant walking on our hands? When we were kids our dream was to have a pet? If that we happened in our childhood, what happen now? To love animals it doesn’t mean care and feed to your pet.
If when we were little child we enjoyed of a creek or beach, and we thought that these places always exit. But it doesn’t, animals and nature, are not infinite. Then, what we do to protect?
The possibilities are a lot, we can work like individuals and society, in organizations or in our places of jobs. The environmental protection can do a great benefit for the humans.
The human activity has caused adverse impact on the environment: waste, pollution, loss of biodiversity, introduction of invasive species, release of genetically modified organisms and toxics. These topics are some of the issues relating to environmental protection.
The warnings are many. The principal idea expanded in the world is a Global Warning; it is increase in the average temperature of Earth’s near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and projected continuation. (Wikipedia)
Among the causes of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, which result from human activity such as the burning of fossil fuel and deforestation. An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of subtropical deserts.
How to prevent global warming? The recommendations are many, many websites have varied recommendations. For examples, the top ten things you can do to reduce global warming (http://environment.about.com/od/globalwarming/tp/globalwarmtips.htm).
The topics are: 1. Reduce, reuse, recycle; 2. Use less heat and air conditioning; 3. Change a light bulb; 4. Drive less and drive smart; 5. Buy energy-efficient products; 6. Use less hot water; 7. Use the "Off" switch; 8. Plant a tree 9. Get a report card from Your Utility Company and 10. Encourage others to conserve.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

my last film

I've see last film was Time'up! by Cecilia Barriga. The film was making in 2001 in New York, when a peculiar psychotherapist makes therapy at your patients in your mobile home for the streets of the city.
Rebeca , the protagonist, hide your past, which to leads her to construct a fantasy story about your live. Then all the change when Malena, a young Chilean girl, to find in the New York.
The girl searches your missing mother in the dictatorship in Argentina. This story opens a new possibility in the live of Rebeca Kaplan.
Mean while the stories of your patients torment the live of Rebeca bringing it at her fears and you’re past. The story of boy psychotic she doesn’t sleep, only recently she solves the problem when the young man means that Rebeca doesn’t the fault in the death of his sister.
While, the alcoholic patient attacks at Rebeca Kaplan for his selfish, because she must travel at Argentina and to leave at her alone. Then, the woman reveals his love for the psychotherapist.
The most important story is, however, the Rebeca story when she seen broken your constructing and decided travel at Argentina in the search for her past.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My stay in Mexico

I would like to travel to Mexico, if given the chance.

Mexico is the cradle of very important cultures for every Latin America.

Is a bigger country in Latin América as Brasil, is a country with much history and diversity.

I don't know if I would like to stay in Mexico, although Chile is also a developing and poor country. I think that many times television and the movie industry sells us an image of those countries that are not that real. I would like to go and know by myself first.

I would like to learn about the culture Tolteca and Maya, about their customs, their forms of life, philosophies and their forms of cultural production.

Also in this country I would like to study any social knowledge, about Latin America and their historical and social construction. For examples, to study in the posgrado of Latin-American studies in the National Autonomous University of Mexico(UNAM).

Mexico is a country rich in diversity, also keeps their indigenous traditions, which makes this country a source of varieties and mesttizaje.

I would like stay any years, but don’t live forever. Also, I thing that my country, Chile, need of new experiences for to learn.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

my history

My personal history have much topics, but, which is the beginning of my history?

Maybe, all begun a day when I understood that the only way to get or to make something for that a life have sense, was make a decision itself. It's not a easy task, are much ideas but the forms as get them are restricted.
Then a step in my life was deciding study Sociology, thinking how I would create a way that would make the difference.
Today, in my opinion, the difference we can make as littles details, as a form of
offering where it join wills.
The ask is, what these forms?
While we find the response, we lose an opportunity where we can create sometihg that make the difference.

How close are we to those opportunities?

We stop in any street, any store, any park, any supermarket, then looking with calm and, recently there we can see how many people need us.

Then, only when we can see and we can hear to someone, with all wills, we can make the difference.

Finally, the changes there are in our disposition.
We believe that some things difficult, but is easier when we see.

Whenever the opportunity is near: appreciate.